This websites access is reserved for club members, their family members and those who are on the active waiting list. All others will be denied access and removed from this websites database without notification.
All club members registering with this website please complete your profile with first and last name, it allows club to verify your membership with our current roster. Once club membership has been verified your profile will be approved and your profile receive a badge indicting so. Your information is not shared publicly. If all you submit is an email address, access is denied and the information is deleted from the website database without notification.
If you have submitted the required paperwork for club membership and are on the waiting list, please let us know so that it can be verified before you are approved to use
Previous members are allowed to join this website, you need to be verified just like everyone else. Those who cannot be verified will be denied access to this website.
Badges are a way to let our club members know what your status is with website and club.
A little information about the mobile app for those who use it. This app is provided free with our membership to WIX and we are not able to edit the app with the free version. The cost of a full featured editable app isn't justifiable so some functions do not work as they should. It is recommended that everyone use their mobile web browser to view this site.